Baugenossenschaft Oberricklingen e. G.
The existing structure contained 14 apartments, two of which were on the top floor next to an unheated attic. A comprehensive modernization was done using Passivhaus components in order to make the apartments more comfortable while also lowering renters' energy costs. Reducing heat bridging was given special attention. The old continuous balconies, which were creating cold and moisture-prone ceiling areas, were removed and replaced with large balcony towers in front of the facade. Due to their outdated technological condition, the top-floor apartments were dismantled as part of the modernization. Instead, the entire top floor is now used as an unheated drying loft. The top floor ceiling is insulated from above to Passivhaus standards. The stairwell walls adjacent to the unheated basement and attic areas have also been "dressed" for the weather; now, the stairwell is a warm area located entirely within the insulated building shell.
The new central heating system, which uses a condensing gas boiler, is housed in the basement. The walls separating the heating room from the unheated basement area are insulated, as are the exterior underground walls. The apartments are heated using the heaters already in place. The entire heating network is equilibrated hydraulically.
Baugenossenschaft Oberricklingen e. G.
bauart Architekten
Planungsbüro Peter Schmidt
Apartment complex
714 m²
KfW, proKlima
24 cm vertical coring brick masonry with plaster
Windows with heat-insulating double glazing; 28-year-old skylight windows on top floor
uninsulated collar beam roof
Reinforced concrete with floating cement screed
Ventilation through windows as well as through joints and cracks typically found in old buildings
self-contained central gas heating systems built between 1977–2007, plus night-storage heaters and flow heaters on top floor
30 cm polystyrene composite thermal insulation system; quality: 0.035 W/(mK); HTC = 0.11 W/(m2K)
synthetic-profile Passivhaus windows with heat-insulating triple glazing and stainless-steel glass spacers; HTC = 0.8 W/(m2K)
Uppermost ceiling insulated 24 cm thick from above; quality: 0.035 W/(mK), HTC = 0.13 W/(m2K)
15 cm insulation between rafters; HTC = 0.25 W/(m2K)
6 cm polyurethane insulation on underside of basement ceiling; quality: 0.025 W/(mK), HTC = 0.31 W/(m2K)
12 cm polystyrene insulation; quality: 0.032 W/(mK), HTC = 0.23 W/(m2K)
comfort-ventilation system with heat recovery in each apartment
new central condensing gas boiler; 500-liter stratified storage tank; new distribution network to existing heaters
no active air conditioning
n50= 0.1,4 h-1
Calculation method: Passivhaus planning package; Initial values: Hannover building typology
150 kWh/(m²a)
30 kWh/(m²a)
80 %
231 kWh/(m²a)
25 kWh/(m²a)
60 kWh/(m²a)
18 kWh/(m²a)
324 kWh/(m²a)
114 kWh/(m²a)
65 %
72 kg/(m²a)
26 kg/(m²a)
64 %